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Privacy policy
Privacy policy
Private policy

Updated 1 March 2024


Developed for clear glass about what information we collect and  how we use data and with whom we are sharing your data.

And Privacy agreement you accept.


We are the company that creates innovative products and most original designs that exist for today.


This privacy policy is related to all our current and future projects, all related to our brand products and developments.


We can modify that privacy policy if that will be necessary according to law and will update you directly or not directly by posting updates on our sources  about such changes that will come in force before actual change day.


You can reject such changes and stop using our products at any time.

In case you continue using our products, that is your confirmation you fully agree and accept the changed privacy policy.


Next information can be collected by us: your email, phone, your original user password with full understanding from your side that all responsibility for safety and tot publicity your password under your full control and responsibility, your physical address, postal code or any other private information that you will decide to share with us. We don't recommend doing any sensitive information public in any manner in internet blogs, social media posts as the internet is a public place and only you are responsible for your data safety.


By accepting this private policy you are making any of our directors, managers, stakeholders free from any kind of court, lawyers or any other possible justifications fee any claims, court fees, any other types of attorney fee  as well any types related disputes you can do  all  possible by law  fees will be fully your responsibility. 


All services and products provided in principle as it is. 

Any technical issues that can appear as a result of our server provider issues, weather disasters, electricity disasters, any other type extreme situations or main servers down times are not under our control.


To be able to use our website or any of applications or software, to make any transaction you should be at least 18 years old in other cases only by permission and represented by a law guard or parents as a legal responsible person.


Source can contain links to other side sources that have their own terms of use and privacy that your responsibility to acknowledge with all documentation and rules before starting using sources. 

T V advertising Privacy and Term of use


T V corporate may include dashboard with advertising in Any Page.

Advertising professional related and will be represent brands.


All content will be high quality.


To receive opportunity to use dashboard email T V support or contact T V through contact form.


Advertising have price of:  


For 1 week

For 1 month

For 3 month


To be in top of dashboard we will be ask to prepaid Connect plan or pay 5%+ of cost advertising plan you choose.


Please read our corporate website term and privacy, all pages and platform in Connect ecosystem are use this privacy.


T V+ Privacy and term of use 

Information regarding payment and buying.


You can order products or services directly on our website or emailing as with your request, or in our partner stores. By buying anything in websites or physical stores of our partners you follow their privacy and agree with their rules.


For ordering directly from us as a brand you need contact us by email for all order/payment details or using web-form where are available.

When you are creating an order that is your responsibility to highlight details that you are interested in, terms of development are discussed separately, if you are looking for original products not mass market that will be available permanently for all clients to buy in our website/s.


We respect your right to stop using our services any time.  You are free to stop using our services by not accepting privacy or terms of use, by not providing your data and or deleting your data. Except in situations when you are ordering original service or product you are not permitted to close confirmed order as we start working on and you will cover development price in full. Another sample when deleting your data is not possible when it is requested by law as result of investigation or any other types of situation when data will be disclosed to legal representatives as result of law brokerage from your side. Do not use our services to do any illegal activities, not trying to send any malicious scripts, viruses or any other types of crimes as we will immediately suspend your profile and direct your data to the law representative.

Take this maximum seriously and with full understanding of your responsibility.

You fully understand in case you send: provocation, lies, trying to damage honour, influence on psychological conditions of: board members executive or not executives, management, contractors; image, reputation of T V company, not depending by sharing: not asked for opinions that should made damages and that can’t be classified as feedback form clients about product or service, forcing ask you suggestions or support in making key decisions, influence in malicious or manipulative ways, sharing your own not respectful experience or opinions, recommendations, trying to force by media or fake associated accounts: board directors, board members executive or not executives, management, contractors to communicate with unwarranted contacts or countries by influence on psychology or ethical standards, trying to create public false or bad reputation based on lies, lies based on spying or illegal spying on T V business public available corporate and products related information and trying to damage T V company business interests and business partners you will be subject to range of penalties from € 10 000 -100 000. 

In this list included spying agents or government bad actors from other countries that trying to stole most advanced technology T V company create, products that don’t have analogies to benefit they own interests and don’t pay or other words without contracts for with T V, creating misinformation on media, sharing lies by yellow press, creating fake people that become bad actors that represent property they stole from T V business,

disrespect, racism, try to bad lighting corporate etiquette and create lie around: board members,  management, employees; misuse or false behaviour, speech, take texts from contexts and creating lies, disrespect privacy or rights for private life: rest, vacations, weekends, holidays, family, leave, sick days, psychological punishment to re-lie reality and made psychological damages to individuals, use of psychological treatment and treatment and illegal practices to made from individual victims and manipulate to made money fraud. Try of use available information regarding background of: board members,  management, employees to: manipulate and find point what in their personal life experience will  made them victims of manipulation, do malicious activities to damage business interests, childishness adult persons or use psychological practices of manipulation to made money fraud and sharing lies around by any sources, use prohibited psychological practices to do money fraud, re-lie reality to made victim’s from successful people’s and made psychological images and use their achievements as personal to stole property, use treatment to made other people fight around fake beliefs or situation that doesn’t exist fake value that victim under manipulation don’t recognise by his/she self as malicious influence.

Without written permission or without becoming T V business client or partner for you not be possible to receive benefits and opportunities that T V company can offer to our clients and business partners.

Not depending you do your malicious activities across T V websites, products or social media T V use to represent our products and business or trying to damage our clients interests or reputation.


Creation or attacks by fake accounts will be subject of most serious responsibility and inside T V company work with all possible actions taken.

In case you believe you was forced to do damages against T V business - you need to report about indent to trusted data protection organisation’s we recognised only few world most trusted of them and we ask you written let us know what exactly was used to force you and provide prof’s such is screenshots, scope of facts: electronic scam, electromagnetic attacks, psychological influence on your behaviour, social punishment, information bubble, misinformation that cross your beliefs and made you act according to malicious data you influenced by; use: natural disasters, war, religion, corruption, political views, gender, self recognition, bad actors as key figures to influence not dependent’s that: professional, private, family - to damage your psychological condition and  that can force you do unwanted acts, life situation that put your life on risk, treatments, cyber attacks as key to influence on your behaviour by yellow media or cyber criminals. 

We take this seriously, as well we will be do everything to protect our interests.


Your responsibility according law will be depending on amount of damages you do and legislation.

You will be as well subject to inside T V company investigation and after your data will be directed to organisations that should control such activities.

T V have 0 tolerance to bad actors that used by bad actors in business to damage more successful businesses.


T V work only with clients and business partners T V choose for long or short term cooperation manner. 

All of T V clients and business partners are respectful and legal registered business. 


T V hyper successful business - we accept only positive and trusted people around.

In this condition that global market are T V have very low trust and very strict standards.

Please acknowledge about corporate rule:

If we do not receive respond in any manner during 3 business days after communication starts we end communication completely.

In case T V don’t receive respond during one 1 month for business communication we close such communication permanently and we not able to help you any future.

You fully acknowledge about and fully recognise your future opportunities.

We respect our time.

T V is located in cyberspace all possible law questions and collisions will take place according policy of Connect.


All press representative looking to write about T V company or/and product of T V company article need to receive accreditation for by filling press form and submit form by T V company contact e-mail. 

Each who want make any work activities should submit request to us otherwise all work activities is prohibited.
Pirated activities in T V space will be subject of responsibility.
Responsibility not depend you are individual or politician.
Politicians restricted from interaction and are subject of range of penalty and criminal offense according to Connect policy.

​Unfortunately, our products are permanently not available in certain countries according our politic.
We have 0 tolerance for scammers and corruption, stolen intellectual and technology properties, human trafficking for labor market, humanity abuse:

Canada (T V stop permanently operate with Canadian territories due level of scam, unfortunately ban cannot be reviewed or changed any future). Canada under permanent ban for access to T V company public available information across all media where  T V sharing marketing information or private information that can be public available.

(All our products not available on certain territories any copy, reproduction and sharing are subject to .penalty. from 5 000 € and .responsibility.).

All officials and organisations, non-profit organisations and business:

+All territories that under international ban

All requests don’t be processed you will be automatically deleted and banned.

You in black list of T V company.

You welcome.

That not related to adequate people and people that use brain.


Black list:





Kyiv or Kiev



Specific categories Brits “elites”

Members of global sanction list of countries 

Anyone (all politicians already banned) trying to broke: human rights, emotions, opportunity to speak free, express their opinion, reselling others properties and know how, not response to privacy requests, falsifying legal documents - will be banned in Connect permanently.

T V have 0 tolerance to human rights broke.


Clarification based on last number not adequate behaviour of users across Internet and global situation.

Anyone don’t who don’t read previous paragraph and who don’t understand that all users of Connect obligated interact with each other respectful and adequate manner can find next clarification:

disrespectful behaviour (sharing fakes, nudity and any kind of abusive behaviour), abuse, violence in any form are subject to serious responsibilities and penalties.

For example: 

saying: “I hate and don’t accept this and description of” not broke or abuse of Connect community guidelines. 

Opposite saying: “I hate, don’t accept and ask to support for made damage physical or mental abuse of random amount of individuals that want do any kid of violence and damages to properties physical or mental” - are subject to most serious responsibility, penalties and your data will be directed to specialists that work with prevention of crimes. The are big difference between talk to express emotions and form aggressive numbers of individuals to made damages to other human life.

You never know in what psychological condition are individual\s that you interacting with or background of this individual\s and never will know results you create.

Please, take serious your action on Internet the are no difference between real life interaction and virtual.

Responsibility and result will be same to real life. Only you are responsible for way your data processed and people you interact with. 


In case you believe you are “popidol” or “celebrity “ or “actor” and trying to share your nudity in covers please look for other places to self express.

T V business don’t tolerate such self-expression  we have high standards of product. 

T V work only with talents your nudity don’t bring to you nothing.

In case you footballer or some kind of athletes included ballet please skip Connect we don’t recognise any deviants that you can’t do against your body to pleasure public.

We believe all people should have same rights to earn money without use they naked bodies or made damages to body types to prove they can do what they should not in normal conditions of life only to earn they money.

We not interested in your nudities.

Middle ages was end long time ago.

Connect is about people using their brain, skills and build opportunities.


T V company not  accept scripts.

T V use of social media.

Under social media T V company means public available information and marketing information.

We not allow: modification, use known how, ip, rethinking our product’s, reselling marketing under other brands and other information that may be on marketing and promo campaigns.

We allow to share, store such information to be able to contact T V professional or/ and product or/ and services  regarding inquiries, such is T V products or professional networking. Under sharing information we mean sharing information across internet and provide links from what source it was taken.

We not allow:   redraw, modify or simply use T V logo or associated brands with other brands without our written permission.

Ai bots, AI agents, bots for scope data, any other type of automatised process that have in goal use data from  T V company website or side websites, that  can  receive permission from T V business for marketing representation of T V company or products selling or product marketing ,  to training or rethinking content and  prohibited from interaction with T V company website and IP.

Trading AI on data that presented on website or other IP such is but not limited : applications, software, e-products, design, art  of T V brand not permitted in any manner.

Rejection to follow the terms of use means immediately loss of access to our services and benefits that we represent.

Deleted profile cannot be restored.


Term of use

We save our right to modify or delete part of this terms of use at any time.

It is your interest to check these terms of use from time to time according to changes.

If you continue usage of source or applications that means that you agree and accept new terms of use and provide the right to process your data according to new terms of use.


During that time that you agree to terms of use and privacy you are receiving not exclusive, not transferable, limited privileged personal right registered and using web sites and our services.

All our products are art, each visualisation, designs,  websites, applications as it is built as art and using design as language - IP covered worldwide from the moment of creation.
Without any limitation that patents have.

Any government workers or organizations and their yellow press are prohibited from interaction with our sources and applications, as well all branches and territories in block list.
Any interaction are subject of penalty.
- First: 1000 euro.
- Second: 100 000 euro .
- Third: more serious responsibility.

Attention :

Resold and illegal mass-resold-share educational materials builded on T V company database, knowledge base without written permissions from T V company - prohibited are subject to investigation and penalties. 

Resold ideas and products are subject to investigation and penalties.

For smaller protesters groups: press and governments official contact form from T V company innovations:  


Official PDF form  for official form messages from government workers or organizations to T V company.

Governments workers or administrative workers interacting with T V will be added to open data record - structure, name, reason for communication.

In case you broke terms and permissions you meet T V data protection and bounty program.

In case you extra care about privacy and don't want be compromised register for program.
Details will be coming soon.

We will monitor such activities and respond proprietorially.

Information published on website/s or application/s


All patents, authors rights, know-how, images, visualisations, models, patterns, logotypes, interfaces, logic of data, packages, designs, texts are owned by T V and are covered by data protections acts.

Personal data of users can be disclosed in cases regulated by law to prohibit fraud activities, for safety reasons, according to the privacy of our users, to prohibit technical issues that may be cases of fraud activities.

That terms of use can be modified, updated and changed based on our needs and following law requests changes.

We may update you by email about changes or may publish before the day of terms changes message on our source without prior email to you about changes.

You are accepting this  terms of use if you are using our corporate website. If you don't want to accept or disagree you need to immediately stop using our website and products.

Our products and any applications may have their own terms of use and privacy that will be different from website terms of use and privacy you need to read and accept separately.

T V is located in cyberspace and follow exclusively terms, policy, acts  of Connect.

List of countries where to look for T V services or products:










In case you’re interested to join please send request.

Banned and sanctioned countries request don’t be processed.


We don’t recognise Ireland as EU data privacy provider for now - 0 trust.

Ireland should submit the request and prove T V company interested to listen what they can say.

Data protected :

Connect IP protection Act

Swiss IP law

Federal Data Protection Act


USA IP law


EU IP data protection 




Credit / Debit Cards/SWIFT/Crypto

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