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Dora branch of T V company.


100% of content for children’s and family products.


Privacy created to provide full information for principles based on Dora made available content for our clients and users.

In case you don’t accept Privacy and Term of use Dora you can’t be permitted to continue use of Dora benefits and products. You need immediately stop use of services.


Privacy and Term of use can be modified according to Dora interest and law changes. We will update you by email or not after Privacy and Terms of use be updated.



Please take in note around 60% of products are in section exclusive products that mean created by hand for every client according to order.


Time for developing products depends on numbers and type of products.

You can be need to wait till we process all orders according to line.


We will do all possible to process your request as soon we can. 


We not accept return of products.

You can void your order during 14 days from moment order conformation.



All products on website can be ordered by client or client can order original design after payment complete.


Client provides all required for order information recommended by delivery service information for delivery.

We not store your delivery information at any manner, but it can be made by side part such is delivery service used or banking application or institution.


We can store client email address to update about new products or process next orders.


Terms of use 


Dora terms of use created and provide full visibility to our users or clients that they can receive with Dora service and content.


Dora term of use can be modified according to Dora business needs and interests.

We can or can’t update you by email that you responsibility to check time to time privacy and terms of use for most recent updates. 

Source can contain links to other side sources that have their own terms of use and privacy.


Time of developing products depend on number and type of product’s client order and highlighted during order by contacting Dora by email.

Dora work with exclusive products you can be need to wait till we process all orders according to line or in specific cases availability of materials.

In case materials not available anymore or not developed we can offer to change to other available materials.

We will do everything possible to complete your order as soon we can.


Delivery not included.

Delivery calculated according service chosen or available at your country.


We don’t use side programs, plugins or applications  at Dora website to accept your payment’s that mean we don’t interact with your payment details.

We use most secure and trusted pay methods available at the moment such is SWIFT system or VISA direct deposit.

Few more way will be added in upcoming months.

We use pay services in principles such as  it is and don’t influence on their services quality or don’t interrupt how they work.

We only provide to you from our side details for pay for products you order and/or in upcoming updates link to pay check by financial app.

You need understand that all financial institution have own governance and privacy.


At the moment for privacy reasons for electronica products we ask you write and receive pay details after complete payment receive your e-product.

We don’t sell at the moment e-products that more expensive than €4.

Pay details by VISA deposit or SWIFT enough to prove any additional disputes.


In case you have any errors with pay, please send your possible request to your financial institution, we don’t interact from our side with they process and let us know.


For electronic products void order not possible.

You have full description and full visual look of product or products ordering at moment of transaction.

You have right send request for demo or/and additional information in case such information available or made sense to be in specific e-products in case price of e-product more then €1000


Products price of what more then €10 not available for one click buy now and in future you will need to write by official email or form at official website.


On website presented only goods under brands: Dora, Any, T V+


Dora products for children’s and brand store: toy’s, books and products for home interior.

Any book published brand.


Dora use quality materials with focus on eco-friendly materials.

For every product we have list of materials used with full description.


All privacy follow law recommendation and can be changed according updates. 


Additional sides interests  in Dora store not presented - all products developed by Dora brand, Any brand, T V+ brand and owned by T V



We not tolerate for any malicious activities or trying to interrupt website work.


All products and website available in principle as it is. We can’t provide warranty that website will be work without issues that may be on web such is server errors, maintenance, updates.


Source can contain links to other side sources that have their own terms of use and privacy that your responsibility to acknowledge with all documentation and rules before starting using sources. 

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